Honor a loved one by giving a memorial gift

A memorial gift made to Ipswich Hospital Foundation is a testimony to the meaningfulness of a life that is no longer with us.

An honorary gift is a loving way to remember someone still living and show appreciation for their kindness, as well as to recognise their impact on your life.

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation is happy to help you honour those you love and hold dear to your heart.

Contributions of any size are graciously accepted and may be designated for Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s areas of greatest need or to a particular hospital area.

Please know that your memorial or honorary gift will help to make top-quality, local health care available for years to come.

Give a gift in memory or honour of someone

  • To honour the memory of someone who has died
  • To thank a special doctor, nurse, health care provider or volunteer for his or her care
  • To recognise a special occasion such as a birthday, graduation or a special milestone such as a cancer-free anniversary
  • To celebrate the birth of a child
  • To show the appreciation for the recovery of a loved one or friend
  • To celebrate special holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas and Hanukkah
gift for life
online donation

Giving is easy

Memorial and honorary gifts, like all donations to Ipswich Hospital Foundation, can be made by credit card via telephone at 1300 736 428 or on our website. Be sure to indicate that your contribution is a memorial or honorary gift and include the name(s) of those in whose honour or memory you are dedicating your gift.


When a memorial or honorary gift is received by Ipswich Hospital Foundation, an acknowledgement letter is sent to you, the contributor. We will also send you a lovely card that you may then personalise and forward on to the family of the deceased or to the person being honoured. If more than one donation is received in memory or honour of the person, the next of kin or the honouree will receive a list of donors in their memory or honour. Donation amounts are not disclosed to next of kin or to honourees.

All donors will be included on the Foundation’s donor recognition board, unless you have requested to be anonymous.

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