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pink bus tour

Go Pink Mystery Bus Tour

By | Fundraising, Recent

Ipswich Quota members raised $1,500 from their Go Pink Mystery Bus Tour and donated the proceeds to the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Go Pink campaign, which funds breast cancer care in the West Moreton region.

Janette Adams, a member of Ipswich Quota said that 61 people attended the Go Pink Mystery Bus Tour last Saturday. The tour included a “pink” morning tea at Harrisville and a winery visit and shopping at Boonah.

Mrs. Adams said, “What a great way to spend a dismal rainy day and support the local charity! The wet weather meant a couple of stops couldn’t happen, but a great day was had by everyone.”

Support is still needed for local breast cancer patients and choosing to ‘Go Pink’ with the Hospital Foundation is a great way to show support locally during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October).

Scott Young, CEO of IHF said, “We’re encouraging our community to ‘Go Pink’ with the Hospital Foundation this Breast Cancer Awareness Month to fund breast cancer care at West Moreton Health.”

“We need the support of our community and local businesses more than ever to raise much-needed funds for breast cancer care in our community.”

“With your support, we can make a local difference to the care of breast cancer patients in our community.”

“There are so many ways you can ‘Go Pink’ and make a local difference; like attending one of the many Go Pink Events, holding your own event like Ipswich Quota or simply donating online,” Mr Young said.

To Go Pink with the Hospital Foundation this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit or phone 1300 736 428 to learn more, donate, attend an event, volunteer, purchase merchandise and more!

Go Pink with IHF to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer

By | Fundraising, Recent

Ipswich Hospital Foundation (IHF) brings the community together each October to raise awareness and to help raise funds for Breast Cancer care in the West Moreton region.

IHF Go Pink campaign is in its third year, and we are very proud that we have been successfully able to help fund medical research and specialised equipment for our local Breastscreen team.

This year we are fundraising to help BreastScreen in purchasing new equipment to provide gold class breast cancer care in the West Moreton region. You can help support this worthwhile cause and show your support by purchasing Go Pink merchandise, attending an event or making a donation via our website HERE

With the official Go Pink day on Friday 28 October, join us for our Go Pink breakfast being held at Brothers Leagues Club at 7am. Tickets are available on our website, with plenty of prizes to give away, an inspirational guest speaker and ample opportunities to network with likeminded community members. IHF will also be holding a community market day at the Ipswich Hospital in front of the Jubilee building between 10am – 2pm, all members of the public welcome.

Scott Young, the CEO of IHF said, “Breast cancer has become a major concern in recent years, with the number of reported cases rising steadily each year. We must encourage people to get screened regularly and ensure that they know how to spot potential signs of breast cancer at an early stage. Early detection really does save lives.”

“Another great way to support breast cancer care in our community is through peer-to-peer fundraising and purchasing Go Pink merchandise. We have launched a new peer-to-peer fundraising portal and online store, where you can get your very own fundraising webpage, share your story and purchase a range of Go Pink merchandise, such as shirts, stationery and skincare products,” said Scott.

IHF is a trusted community partner supporting West Moreton Health to deliver safe, quality healthcare promoting community health and wellbeing. To learn more about IHF Go Pink and secure your ticket, please visit: HERE

BreastScreen Queensland Saved My Life

By | Fundraising, Recent

Counting her lucky stars that she is still here to celebrate her daughter’s wedding this month, Monica Vella shares why every woman should not play down the importance of a routine breast screen.

West Moreton Health Clinical Nurse, Ms Vella, 54, visited BreastScreen Queensland Ipswich for her routine screen last November with no signs that anything was wrong. A week later, she received a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Ms Vella said that routine screen saved her life.

“I was feeling well and experienced no symptoms whatsoever, so I can honestly say that having the routine breast screen saved my life,” Ms Vella said.

“My cancer was detected early, which gave me more treatment options and better outcomes.

“I had surgery to remove part of my left breast the same month and completed a month of radiation treatment in January, but didn’t require chemotherapy.

“West Moreton Health allows staff to schedule routine breast screens during work time and for that I am grateful,” she said.

The West Moreton resident urges all women, especially those aged over 40, to contact BreastScreen Queensland to schedule an appointment.

“Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian women. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you, as it can happen to anyone.”

Ipswich Hospital Foundation is raising funds for breast cancer care in the region in October through Go Pink fundraising initiatives, events and merchandise sales during the month of October, raising funds for breast cancer care in the region – Go Pink with IHF

This month BreastScreen Queensland’s Ipswich Service location celebrates its 25th year anniversary.

About BreastScreen Queensland, Ipswich Service

A permanent site is located at Ipswich Health Plaza, Bell Street. Two mobile vans offering screening services at over 20 locations throughout West Moreton.

During the month of October, the mobile vans will be located at:

  • Booval Fair Shopping Centre – Now – 22 October
  • Riverlink Shopping Centre (car park under GoodLife Gym) – Now – 5 November
  • Ipswich Hospital – 24– 28 October

Free screening and assessment are available to eligible women. A breast screen is recommended for women aged 50-74 every two years. Women aged 40-49 and 74+ are also eligible.

Saturday and out of hours appointments are available. To book call 13 20 50 or visit

Author: Sharon Doyle


Ipswich Hospital Ward Courtyard Revival

By | Fundraising, Recent

Patients at the Ipswich Hospital will soon enjoy better rehabilitation outcomes thanks to the support of the Australian Industry Trade College (Ipswich) and Bunnings Bundamba.

As part of Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s ongoing partnership with the Australian Industry Trade College (Ipswich), 13 students and staff commenced work on reinvigorating the Rehabilitation and Stroke Ward (6B) courtyard of Ipswich Hospital. This courtyard is a communal space for the ward staff, patients, and their families.

Jude Brown, the Rehab and Stroke Nurse Unit Manager, began the day by giving the students a talk about what their ward does, the types of patients they see, and the importance of having an outdoor space for patients and families to meet. Jude also talked about how outdoor areas and recreational activities like gardening can help improve the rehabilitation outcomes of the patients in their ward.

Karen Bethune, the Wards Recreation Officer, put on a barbeque lunch and morning tea for the students and staff from Australian Industry Trade College.

Bunnings Bundamba kindly donated plants and gardening supplies to the project, including a wheelchair-accessible raised garden bed and hand tools for patients to use as part of their rehabilitation.

This activity will be one of many ongoing projects where the AITC students will put their skills into practice and participate in the planning and execution of these projects, all whilst improving the outdoor spaces within West Moreton Health.

Contact us today and help make a big difference to our local public hospitals today.


Community Support Results In Fully Funded Ultrasound Machine

By | Fundraising, Recent

With the support of the local community, Ipswich Hospital Foundation (IHF) successfully funds a new fully equipped ultrasound machine for the Emergency Department at Ipswich Hospital.

Having the most up-to-date specialist equipment can mean the difference between life and death for patients being treated in the local public hospitals.

In 2014 the Emergency Department Director Dr. Kylie Baker completed a funded 2-year $200,000 study on the use of ultrasound in the Emergency Department to make an immediate diagnosis of heart and lung presentations. This study showed using ultrasound at that point could result in better, quicker diagnosis and reduce overall costs associated with unnecessary x-rays and longer delays in the Emergency Department.

However, as with most Emergency Departments throughout Queensland, there is usually no funding for a full ultrasound machine so most use point of care ultrasound, smaller devices with very limited functionality.

Generous community donations enabled IHF to purchase a Mindray TE9 Ultrasound machine for the Emergency Department. The new ultrasound machine will enable the local hospital to provide patients with world-class care, swifter diagnosis and the best possible treatment.

With the support from the local community and IHF, the Ipswich Emergency Department will be one of the few units in Queensland to have this full ultrasound capacity which includes a shared Service Package that includes Abdomen/General, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Cardiac, Small Parts, Urology, Vascular, Paediatric, Nerve, Emergency and Critical packages.

This is a fantastic example of IHF supporting good quality translational research by funding aspirational equipment that would never have been otherwise funded.

Greg Jensen, the Interim CEO of IHF said, “Delivering high quality care and giving patients access to the latest treatment options is paramount for the health and wellbeing of our community.

“Together with the support of our community, we will continue to fund equipment for hospitals and medical research facilities across the West Morton region.”

IHF is a trusted community partner supporting West Moreton Health to deliver safe, quality healthcare promoting community health and wellbeing.

The Foundation focus on engaging with a broad community to ensure it responds to the diverse growing needs of the West Moreton Region.

Make a donation and help make a big difference to our local public hospitals today.

Talkin’ it up for Youth Mental Health

By | Fundraising, Recent

Yesterday over 200 students from 14 schools around the West Moreton region, participated in the 7th annual “Talkin’ It Up!” Regional Youth Mental Health Forum at the Laidley Cultural Centre, Laidley.

Sponsored by Ipswich Hospital Foundation (IHF) and led by West Moreton Health, the event was designed specifically to increase awareness and inform students of the importance of dealing with mental health issues sooner rather than later.

The day consisted of several workshops, group activities and presentations. The event provided a platform for discussion on various mental health conditions, helping the students identify with the organisations they can turn to when the going gets tough or want to help a friend who may be suffering.

In its 7th year, the Regional Youth Mental Health Forum is dedicated to reaching those students who don’t live in a major capital city and may not be aware of the available resources that can assist with mental health problems.

“Youth mental health is quickly becoming one of the biggest issues facing teenagers, families and teachers alike. Talkin’ it Up! is all about empowering young people and letting them know it is OK to speak about mental health and mental illness”, said Greg Jensen, the interim CEO of IHF.

“It is common for young people to ask their peers for support when they are struggling. That’s why it’s important for young people to know what help is available so they can direct their friends in the direction of appropriate help when needed.

“We know we can make a very positive difference by working with West Moreton Health and our other partners to remove the stigma associated with mental illness and to provide a great day of entertainment and information for local young people.

The Youth Mental Health Forum has proven to be an important platform for local students, giving them the knowledge to start conversations about their own mental health.

“We are glad to see the forum is growing stronger in strength both in the size of numbers of students who are attending and the amount of accessibility the students have to content and organisations in the mental health space every year”.

It was a great day with a lot of information given out. Still, most importantly, there was a lot of Talkin’ It Up about mental health issues and ultimately working towards removing the stigma that cripples many into staying silent.

Over the past 25 years, IHF has been raising funds to support West Moreton Health to deliver safe, quality healthcare promoting community health and wellbeing. The Foundation focuses on engaging with a broader community to ensure it responds to the diverse growing needs of the West Moreton Region.

To know more about IHF and how you can donate to the Foundation, please visit

If you are struggling and need support or advice, contact Headspace Ipswich 07 3280 7900, or drop into 26 East St, Ipswich.

Other avenues for help include Lifeline 13 11 14, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467, and Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800.


Run for Research through Park2Park

By | Fundraising, Recent

The 18th annual charity run, Ipswich Hospital Foundation Park2Park, presented by University of Southern Queensland, will take place this July. The Main Event will be hosted at Bill Paterson Oval at Limestone Park on Sunday 31 July. If participants cannot on the day, there is the option to sign up for the Virtual Event and run or walk from absolutely any location between 23 July – 6 August 2022.

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Park2Park event is a fun-filled day that promotes exercise while raising money for local research projects, scholarships, presentations, and the annual Research Awards. It is suitable for almost all ages, with free activities for children and food trucks and stalls providing something for everyone. It is also a popular date on the running calendar for elite athletes.

The Foundation recently announced Bec Ungermann and Clay Dawson to be the 2022 Park2Park ambassadors. They will be running with participants on the Main Event, raising money to support the hospitals and communities of the West Moreton region.

Bec Ungermann is well known in Ipswich both in the health care industry and health/fitness community. She is a local podiatrist, an active runner, and the owner of Boss Multisport.
Bec has built a strong relationship with IHF through being a fitness trainer and an IHF volunteer.

Clay Dawson, the past IHF Park2Park Champion said, “I love the fact that this event is a celebration of our healthy community and the city of Ipswich in general!”

Dave Lambert will be the IHF Park2Park Race Director this year. Dave has supported many IHF events and built a great relationship with the Foundation over the past years, including being a trainer for the community fitness program and volunteering at Park2Park.

Dave encourages everyone to participate in this event, “Park2Park offers something for every fitness level, including 2.5km, 5km Walk, 5km Run 10km, Half Marathon, Half Marathon Relay, Family Challenge 400m Obstacle Course.

“It represents much more than a celebration of health and personal wellness or realising health goals. It means coming together of a community and the valuable contribution the Ipswich Hospital Foundation can make to the West Moreton community.

“It is important to help raise funds and get our local researchers focusing on issues that affect local people. By advancing with local research and taking steps to become a tertiary hospital, locals will not need to travel as far for the healthcare they need.

“I’m confident that Park2Park will be another great success this year with the support from our volunteers, sponsors and partners, such as the University of South Queensland, City of Ipswich, Slater Gordon Lawyers and Brooks!

“Make sure you get your friends, family, business or school signed up for a team by the end of May; so that you can take advantage of the Early Bird rate! I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday, 31 July.”

Participants can register online until 3pm on Saturday 30th July at: or in-person on the day.

Register Now
kim and ihf

Ipswich Combined Teachers Dance Festival Donates $20,000 to Ipswich Hospital Foundation

By | Fundraising, Recent

Kim Taylor, a retired dancing teacher and the founder of Ipswich Combined Teachers Dance Festival (ICTDF), donates $20,000 to Ipswich Hospital Foundation (IHF).

ICTDF is a group-only dance festival that runs once a year. Kim and her family started ICTDF 20 years ago to create a dance competition in Ipswich so that local kids didn’t need to travel as far for dance competitions.

Kim opened up about how hard it was to start off as a non-for-profit organisation. Kim and her family did everything themselves from printing tickets to cutting up seasonal passes.

She mentioned that the first five years’ were really hard to keep the money coming in. “With a little idea from Janine, one of the teachers, over 21 years ago and the support from the local Council, ICTDF has now turned into a 6-day Group Dance Festival that involves thousands of dancers each year”.

In 2021 Kim thought that COVID would shut everything down. So, to celebrate the ICTDF’s 20th anniversary, instead of doing a big dance competition, they decided to give the money to the Ipswich Hospital because they want the money to stay in our community.

When asked if there was a specific reason she chose the Emergency Department at Ipswich Hospital, Kim replied, “The hospital always looks after the dancers. We have a dance teacher who used to suffer from asthma, and she had to come up to the hospital a couple of times a year. I always hear good responses saying she got good service from the hospital”.

“As we celebrate 20 years, we are very excited to be able to give $20,000 to the Ipswich Hospital Foundation. We thought Ipswich Hospital Foundation is where the money needed to go.”

As the official Hospital Foundation of the West Moreton region, IHF aims to establish a thriving West Moreton community in which people experience the best possible health and wellbeing. It provides support right through the region from Ipswich to Boonah, Gatton, Laidley, Esk, and more.

IHF relies on kind donations like ICTDF to best support West Moreton Health to deliver safe, quality healthcare to the local community.

To find out how you can give back to the community through a donation to your local public hospital, visit: or visit the Ipswich Hospital Foundation office at Level 2 Hayden Centre, 37 South Street, Ipswich.


Let’s get to know one of our volunteers, Anne-Maria Falvey

By | Recent, Volunteer

As a part of this year’s National Volunteer Week celebration, we will share stories about our wonderful volunteers and highlight their contributions to the local community.
Let’s get to know Anne-Maria Falvey!

Anne-Maria Falvey is one of the three finalists in the Volunteering Queensland Volunteer of the Year Award 2022. Presented in honour of an individual who has made an exemplary voluntary contribution and who through their volunteering has made a significant impact on Queensland’s well-being.

Anne-Maria has been volunteering at Ipswich Hospital for 11 years since starting in 2010.

During this time, Anne-Maria has been a long-standing Meet & Greet hospital volunteer, the friendly face of the hospital entrance, assisting patients and visitors find their way around the hospital.

Anne-Maria also plays the piano for patients and usually plays Santa visiting the patients and staff of West Moreton Health at Christmas.

She volunteers in the Oncology Day Unit, supporting patients as they await and undergo their Chemotherapy treatments in more recent times.
All the work Anne-Maria does in our community in addition to IHF. For example, on most afternoons, Anne-Maria will drive out to collect end-of-day baked goods from various bakeries around the Ipswich Area and deliver them to Rosie’s – Friends of the Street for outreach teams to distribute to local churches and nursing homes.

Anne-Maria volunteers with Rosies on two of their street van teams. She also assists St Vincent de Paul Society Ipswich with their Monday outreach home visits and volunteering at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Ipswich’s Coffee on Wednesday (COWS) morning tea program. They serve free coffee and a chat to those in need of social support.

Anne-Maria is a tireless volunteer who cares for every person she meets.


Let’s get to know one of our volunteers, Elizabeth Franklin

By | Volunteer

As a part of this year’s National Volunteer Week celebration, we will share stories about our wonderful volunteers and highlight their contributions to the local community.
Let’s get to know Elizabeth Franklin!

Tell me a bit about your background and what made you want to be a volunteer?

After a period of ill health, I needed to do something to get out of the house and had read about the craft club in the local newspaper. I thought what better way to give back to the community than helping other people while doing something I enjoy doing.

How long have you been with IHF? Any stories from back then you’d like to share?

I have been volunteering for about 3.5 years. What happens at craft club stays at craft club!!

What is the best thing that happened to you whilst being a volunteer?

Being connected with a group of fabulous and entertaining women and knowing we make a positive impact on less fortunate people.

What motivates you to be successful in your volunteer role?

It makes it easy when you are doing something you enjoy.

What would be your advice to anyone considering to be a volunteer?

There are plenty of jobs to do so there will always be something suited to your skillset. Many hands make light work! And there’s never a dull moment.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about making sure people feel they belong and can be involved.