Counting her lucky stars that she is still here to celebrate her daughter’s wedding this month, Monica Vella shares why every woman should not play down the importance of a routine breast screen.
West Moreton Health Clinical Nurse, Ms Vella, 54, visited BreastScreen Queensland Ipswich for her routine screen last November with no signs that anything was wrong. A week later, she received a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Ms Vella said that routine screen saved her life.
“I was feeling well and experienced no symptoms whatsoever, so I can honestly say that having the routine breast screen saved my life,” Ms Vella said.
“My cancer was detected early, which gave me more treatment options and better outcomes.
“I had surgery to remove part of my left breast the same month and completed a month of radiation treatment in January, but didn’t require chemotherapy.
“West Moreton Health allows staff to schedule routine breast screens during work time and for that I am grateful,” she said.
The West Moreton resident urges all women, especially those aged over 40, to contact BreastScreen Queensland to schedule an appointment.
“Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian women. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you, as it can happen to anyone.”
Ipswich Hospital Foundation is raising funds for breast cancer care in the region in October through Go Pink fundraising initiatives, events and merchandise sales during the month of October, raising funds for breast cancer care in the region – Go Pink with IHF
This month BreastScreen Queensland’s Ipswich Service location celebrates its 25th year anniversary.
About BreastScreen Queensland, Ipswich Service
A permanent site is located at Ipswich Health Plaza, Bell Street. Two mobile vans offering screening services at over 20 locations throughout West Moreton.
During the month of October, the mobile vans will be located at:
- Booval Fair Shopping Centre – Now – 22 October
- Riverlink Shopping Centre (car park under GoodLife Gym) – Now – 5 November
- Ipswich Hospital – 24– 28 October
Free screening and assessment are available to eligible women. A breast screen is recommended for women aged 50-74 every two years. Women aged 40-49 and 74+ are also eligible.
Saturday and out of hours appointments are available. To book call 13 20 50 or visit breastscreen.qld.gov.au
Author: Sharon Doyle