Local organisations, The Orchid Society and QUOTA are in the spotlight this month for their contributions to the Children’s Sunshine Ward and Special Care Nursery at Ipswich Hospital.
The Orchid Society contributes significant amounts the regions smallest patients in the Special Care Nursery thanks to the proceeds from their highly successful Annual Orchid Show.
This year, the funds purchased a stroller, baby rocker, baby carrier, baby Bjorn and a special multi-directional swing with a lift-off bonus rocker that plays music, nature sounds and has a night light.
QUOTA’s donation will bring the kids of the children’s ward right into the future with two virtual reality goggles and an iPad to play movies and games. The goggles will immerse the patients completely in the vision inside the headset with the view to distract from painful procedures.
If you, like The Orchid Society and QUOTA, would like to help IHF move towards better health with the community, get in touch: info@ihfoundation.org.au or donate: ihfoundation.org.au