The saying goes, dogs are man’s best friend. During these last few difficult and isolating months, many have been feeling the support and companionship from our pets more than ever.
The unconditional love from a pet can do more than keep you company. There’s lots of research to suggest that having pets can have lots of physical and mental benefits:
- Reduce loneliness – pets can provide lots of affection acting as a loyal companion
- Improve fitness – dogs require lots of exercise, which is great for cardiovascular and mental health
- Reduce Blood Pressure – pets can help to reduce stress. It’s said that by even patting a dog can reduce our blood pressure.
- Help with depression and anxiety – pets provide a great sense of purpose and help to boost our mood
- Pets increase social interaction – just by being out and about walking you could make new friends
Due to COVID-19 restrictions our Local Shows, unfortunately, won’t be opening their gates physically this year.
But thankfully, Pet Parade can still go on… virtually!
We’ve teamed up with the Show Society to bring our first-ever Virtual Pet Parade to our community.
The aim of Virtual Pet Parade
The aim is to raise awareness of the benefits pets have on health plus raising funds to put more therapy dogs into West Moreton Health’s Hospitals.
Help us bring the joy of therapy animals to more of those who need it most in our Hospitals! Whether it is a calming pat, a floppy ear to listen, a friendly paw to shake, or even a well-deserved treat to feed, Therapy Dogs bring smiles and joy to patients, family and staff at West Moreton Hospitals.
How to Enter Virtual Pet Parade
Entry for your pet, whether they be dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses, rats, you name it, is now open and FREE. To enter, simply submit a picture of your pet and share how they have helped you and your wellbeing through the COVID-19 restrictions.
Or with a kind donation you can help more Therapy Dogs into our Hospitals *Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
James Sturges, Ipswich Hospital Foundation CEO says, “Therapy Dogs bring smiles and joy to patients, family, and staff at West Moreton Hospitals.
“Therapy Dogs have a paws-itive impact on social, emotional, and physiological health, improving quality of life and overall well-being,” Mr Sturges said.
Ipswich Hospital Foundation is urging the community to get behind the Pet Parade and help raise funds to place more Therapy Dogs into our Hospitals.
“Even a $5 donation, less than the cost of a show bag, will all add up to getting more paws to shake and creating smiles on our patients’ faces,” Mr Sturges said.
Dani Lee, Ipswich Resident is entering her Neapolitan Mastiff, Kuda into the Pet Parade.
“Kuda has really helped during the restrictions, she’s always has a happy face and brings endless love to the whole family. I am not sure what I would do without a furry friend especially during the last few months” Ms Lee said.
We want to give a big thanks for the great support of event sponsors, the finalists will be live-streamed and the winners will take home an official Show Society Ribbon, Best Friends Pets Vouchers ($170, $70, $50) and a ‘pawsome’ Hamper from The Golden Bone Bakery.
You definitely won’t be in the dog house with these prizes!