Yesterday over 200 students from 14 schools around the West Moreton region, participated in the 7th annual “Talkin’ It Up!” Regional Youth Mental Health Forum at the Laidley Cultural Centre, Laidley.
Sponsored by Ipswich Hospital Foundation (IHF) and led by West Moreton Health, the event was designed specifically to increase awareness and inform students of the importance of dealing with mental health issues sooner rather than later.
The day consisted of several workshops, group activities and presentations. The event provided a platform for discussion on various mental health conditions, helping the students identify with the organisations they can turn to when the going gets tough or want to help a friend who may be suffering.
In its 7th year, the Regional Youth Mental Health Forum is dedicated to reaching those students who don’t live in a major capital city and may not be aware of the available resources that can assist with mental health problems.
“Youth mental health is quickly becoming one of the biggest issues facing teenagers, families and teachers alike. Talkin’ it Up! is all about empowering young people and letting them know it is OK to speak about mental health and mental illness”, said Greg Jensen, the interim CEO of IHF.
“It is common for young people to ask their peers for support when they are struggling. That’s why it’s important for young people to know what help is available so they can direct their friends in the direction of appropriate help when needed.
“We know we can make a very positive difference by working with West Moreton Health and our other partners to remove the stigma associated with mental illness and to provide a great day of entertainment and information for local young people.
The Youth Mental Health Forum has proven to be an important platform for local students, giving them the knowledge to start conversations about their own mental health.
“We are glad to see the forum is growing stronger in strength both in the size of numbers of students who are attending and the amount of accessibility the students have to content and organisations in the mental health space every year”.
It was a great day with a lot of information given out. Still, most importantly, there was a lot of Talkin’ It Up about mental health issues and ultimately working towards removing the stigma that cripples many into staying silent.
Over the past 25 years, IHF has been raising funds to support West Moreton Health to deliver safe, quality healthcare promoting community health and wellbeing. The Foundation focuses on engaging with a broader community to ensure it responds to the diverse growing needs of the West Moreton Region.
To know more about IHF and how you can donate to the Foundation, please visit www.ihfoundation.org.au.
If you are struggling and need support or advice, contact Headspace Ipswich 07 3280 7900, headspace.ipswich@aftercare.com.au or drop into 26 East St, Ipswich.
Other avenues for help include Lifeline 13 11 14, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467, and Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800.